Sunday, November 28, 2010


I have been grotesquely underproductive for the last week, but I have a callback tomorrow and will do a REAL update after that madness.

First, a video. Welcome to my life:


Thursday, November 18, 2010

I know, I KNOW.

I'm slacking.

I just started this blog, and already, I've begun neglecting it.

I'm sorry, dear blog. Forgive me.

I could blame it on my schedule. This would be unfair, as I have plenty of time at least 2 evenings a week, before the mushy-gushy evening call with the BF.

I could blame it on a lack of activity to report, but this would also (thankfully) be inaccurate.

I may need to make this a daily occurance, just to get back in the habit of writing in a forum which, generally, encourages the use of more than 140 characters per post (DAMN YOU, TWITTER! LOOK WHAT YOU'VE MADE OF ME!!!)

Let's get the negatives out of the way first, so that all my positives seem more impressive:

I blew off TWO (count 'em) auditions in the past two weeks. Well, I should be fair. One of these auditions was for a short (3-5 minute) film that a student at Berkeley Digital Film Institute is directing, and after agreeing to audition for her, I realized that I simply will not have time to take on ANOTHER project until after the holidays, when I'll be working less overtime, will likely forgo the second job, and will suddenly have time (and desire!) to be more artistically involved in the community around I sent her an email apologizing profusely and explaining my situation. For future reference, though, I probably ought not to wait until 3 hours before I'm supposed to meet with a director to send said email.

The other audition, however, I just didn't go to. UNPROFESSIONAL.

Now, all the good things I've done for myself over the last couple weeks:

I auditioned for Twelfth Night at African-American Shakespeare Company (I didn't get in. I can see it all over your face: you're SHOCKED.)
I updated my Theatre resume.
I updated my Actor profile on Theatre Bay Area's website.
I started playing with some light editing on my headshot proofs.
I contacted a friend, who is a professional photographer, about doing a shoot with him in the near future.
I went to my dance classes.
I started taking weekly voice lessons with Matt Liebowitz again.
I scheduled an audition for The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee at Altarena in Alameda. It's community theatre, but they may be willing to consider me for roles that I would NEVER be looked at for at semipro/professional theatres. You know, like the "lead".
I saw Peter Pan at PCPA Theaterfest, and subsequently had lengthy chats with a couple former teachers/Resident Artists...and tentatively scheduled my audition for their summer season/the 2011-2012 Acting Internship.

While I was in Santa Maria to see Peter Pan (and, you know, visit my beau), I met up with my 2nd year dance instructor for beers. He is a Resident Artist (Actor/Choreographer/Director) with the company, and will be directing/choreographing this summer's production of Hairspray, which I'm hoping to be cast in. After all the catching up and tech-week-exhaustion commisseration, we finally got down to business. Aside from talking about my audition for Summer Company, he also recommended that I apply for the Acting Internship. I hadn't really considered this an option before, for whatever reason, but now that he's said that, it seems like a great idea. He is a graduate of PCPA, and did the internship as well, and he thinks that, based on where I am right now in my career, it could benefit me in a lot of ways.

Since talking with him about it, I've started to see all the reasons it really makes sense. I've filled out my application and started working on my cover letter. I've also been in touch with the Conservatory Director/Associate Artistic Director and the Casting Director, and they are both in full support of the idea, and are encouraging me to send in my application, and audition, as soon as possible.


It's all very exciting, no?